
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Profile

 Hi, this is my profile for our rocket lab team it is called T.E.D Lab. I am a safety offcier and a mathemtician. We have been making bissness cards and ID cards for my rocket job. We are up to cheecing the weather so we can lanch the rocket soon hopfully.

Maths times tabels 2020

I am trying to get better at my times tabels. Here is my graph of term 2 I need to work on my 8x tabels but I am going to learn them so I can get 100 in 2 min. Learn your times tabels! 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Art Challenge

 Hi, this is my art for this week it is called textured art. You have to find lots on things and draw over top of it.  It is so fun you should try it my little sister wanted to do it. and she is going to do it when we get home.

Weight Winds

 Hi, this is my wighly winds. we are learning about dust and winds this week. Something you enjoyed. I wonder if you know the 4 winds comment and tell me what they are and I might ripley.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


  Hi, this is my art challenge. We had to draw a person, a plant,soft toy and your choice. You could only look at what you were drawing and you couldn't take you pen off the paper or look at the paper. For my choice I chose a car.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tawhirimatea VS Tumatauenga

 Hi, this is my writing for this week I had to make up a myth about Tawhirimatea. I love making up stories especially, about the gods because I like to learn about our school names, that are all the gods. My class is Tawhirimatea and the other class names are Ruaumoko,Rongomatane,Tangaroa, and Tanemahuta.

Hero Engine Part 3

Hi, this is my last part it is part 3 I know you all have been waiting for this. I had to write about a man called Hero, and talk about how his inventions were different to the ones we made with our drink cans. He was so close to inventing the most amazing thing, powering engines. But he didn't get up to doing the next step, that was invented many years later when steam engines were invented.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hero Engine part 2

 This is my Hero engine part 2. I used my grandfathers drill to make the holes, I chose the size of the holes that I wanted to use. This tin can, only spun 5 times around. My best can spun 18 times around. The difference I think, was that I put too many holes in the can I used for my part 2 video. Part three is coming to tomorrow.

Icarus and Daedalus

 This is the Greek myth about Icarus and Daedalus. Daedalus was a intelligent man. He was great at building things and he got punished lots of times and even from the king. Read more to find out.

Mariri the flying man

 This is a maori myth about a man that could fly his name was Mariri. the last slide is about how he made the wing and how he flyed. Read to find out more. By Anna

Monday, May 4, 2020

Hero Engine Part 1

 Hi everyone this is my Hero engine part 1 Soon I will have hero engine part 2 and 3. we had to make use cans and punch holes in them at the bottom of the can and put it in water and count how many spins there were till water ran out. There will be more info for part 2. By Anna

Friday, May 1, 2020

Space Rubbish

  This is my space rubbish work i t was really easy to do it only took me 10 mins read the story it is really cool i have it on these slides. Enjoy. By Anna

Rocket work

 Hello this is my rocket work for this week it was quite tricky making the rocket but I got it and rocket 1 is my sma1l one and the color is blue rocket 2 is my meadem and it is red and my rocket 3 is my big rocket and it is yellow.

The Four Forces Of Flight

 This is my four forces of flight thrust helps push the rocket along. Drag keeps it stable. Lift holds it up and weight give it gravity. We have been leaning about rockets this week and i love it!